
Tuesday, January 22, 2019

SAS Example : Split dataset into n equally sized datasets

Considering the cars dataset available in sashelp and splitting it to 10 equally sized datasets.


Creating a row number using _n_ system variable option.
               data sample;


The below macro splits the data into n equally sized datasets. n is passed as a parameter to the macro.
  • Macro name : split
  • creating a cnt macro variable which holds the no. of observation count of the cars dataset. Cars dataset has 428 observations, therefore cnt = 428 
  • number macro variable holds the no. of observations to be kept in each split dataset. In the below macro, cars dataset is split into 10 datasets. therefore number = 428/10 ~ 43 observations 
  • DO loop to iterate 10 times to split the cars dataset into 10 equally sized datasets. The split datasets are named as sample_1 to sample_10.

%macro split(divide);

         proc sql;
               select max(n) into :cnt from sample;

         data split;

         proc sql;
               select num into :number from split;

         %do i=1 %to ÷

                data sample_&i;
                     set sample;
                          if n>=((&i-1)*&number)+1 and n<=(&i*&number);


%mend split;




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